

Coalition Camerounaise Contre le Tabac (C3T)

Le Réseau des Journalistes pour la lutte Anti-tabac du Togo (REJAT)

The Network of Journalists for Tobacco Control in Togo (REJAT) is engaged in the organization of a workshop on the theme: "Role and mission of an association of anti-tobacco journalists". The objective of this workshop is get REJAT more involved in awareness raising among the population and in denouncing tobacco industry strategies. REJAT is using the working as an avenue to relaunch its activities in Togo.

Q&A on COVID-19 clinical care

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Address: Quartier Adido-Adin, 08 BP 81586 Lomé-Togo
Phone: (00228) 22 25 15 83
Fax : (00228) 22 25 15 83

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